Welcome to www.whichmartialart.com!
My name is James, I set up www.whichmartialart.com with the purpose to introduce people to the differing Martial Arts and help them decide which style is most suited to them. To help with this, the site will contain articles discussing the different arts, health, and fitness, etc. Links to other sites, both general martial art sites, and specific club sites will be included.
I had taken a short break from the site in the past but now it is time to get things back on track and start working on moving the site in the right direction.
I would be very grateful if you could provide any assistance in building content for the site. Articles, images, your club/association description, martial art news, etc would all be very much appreciated. Please rest assured that all credit will be given for any submissions and articles etc will acknowledge the author and provide further means of linking to your website/club details. Submitted Images and articles must either be copyright free or the copyright must be owned by you and your permission to include them on the site granted. Simply submit the text via the website or alternatively, if you already have literature/images you would like to see included on the site in another format (Word etc), simply email them to me and I will take it from there.
It is very early days for www.whichmartialart.com so I hope you can help get it off the ground. There are a great many people out there curious about starting up in Martial Arts but too confused by all the different styles and worried about what may be expected of them when they sign up. I hope this site will assist them in finding a style that fits their needs within a club in their area!
As you are probably aware, whichmartialart.com is launched with the objective of providing a framework for the Martial Arts community to come together to support newcomers to the arts.
I hope you will agree that the articles contributed by the community so far make excellent reading and I would like to thank all those that submitted content to whichmartialart.com for their support. Your efforts are much appreciated!
However, I am asking for more help. The site is in a chicken-and-egg situation at the moment. It is difficult to gain readers without sufficient content and regular updates but as I am trying to get those very same readers to provide this exact input back into the site, well, as you’d appreciate, it is tough going.
This is the problem I aim to focus on and for which I ask your help. Could you consider the following?
- If you have a website could you add a link to https://cassiaconsulting.com
- Recommend the site to your students, friends, family, colleagues, opponents, strangers – spread the word!
- If you want to contribute to the site, either by submitting news, events or articles, email them to me or click “Contact us”
- If you have any suggestions, comments, criticisms, or (preferably) ideas to help improve the site, contact me and let me know! This is the first site I have ever built so I am open to any help you can provide.
I hope you support the intention behind the site and can appreciate that launching such a “community site” relies a great deal on input from the community. Please help play a part and let’s hope that whichmartialart.com earns a place in your favorites list.
If you have any suggestions or comments they would be gratefully received.
Many thanks.