Starting With Kickboxing

Kickboxing The Martial Arts

Kickboxing, which originated in America, first debuted on the martial arts scene in the mid-1970s. Fighters believed there was a way to make tournament karate more entertaining because it was constrained in many ways. The Americans then created American Full Contact Karate, which may be considered Kickboxing’s forerunner. In the beginning, this was fought on an open field, with the usage of a full-sized kickboxing ring coming later. The rules permitted for the use of full-power kicks and punches that may knock someone out!

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Best Kickboxing Training Pads Martial Art

Suitable for All Age – This boxing pad is designed with an adjustable armband that both adults and children of all ages and sizes can easily use. Great pads for beginners and above. Durable, well constructed and easy to store or drop in a gym bag. Exactly what you needed to introduce and sharpen your skills.

I’m happy to add that several of the show’s founders, such as Don The Dragon Wilson and Bill Wallace, whom I’ve met, and my all-time favourite, Benny The Jet Urquidez, remain my personal idols today.

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The rules were further developed as time went on and more protective safety equipment and weight categories were added to formulate a style that is well recognized and respected today.

Within this style, what can be seen is a fast and furious system, but one which will allow people to be able to learn self-defense whilst actually enjoying themselves and attaining high levels of fitness, not needing to be a serious fighter or future World Champion unless they so wish. It is regularly practiced throughout the World at the Amateur level and the Professional element is very popular also.

Offshoots of the style have been developed especially for the fitness market/industry such as Boxercise and Tae Bo, these being very popular in the large health clubs. Their following was boosted by many celebrities sanctioning these systems or training within them.

Organizations such as WAKO are the World leaders in this area and have many countries involved at British, European, and World levels with top-ranked and well-respected champions from all areas of the Globe.

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