I need to talk about self-defense legislation before I can teach personal safety. The criminal law legislation of 1967 has these provisions. These regulations specify "Any force employed in...
Category: Blogs
We learned how your body reacts to martial arts training in the previous issue, as well as what herbal and non-herbal remedies you may employ to keep your body healthy now and in the future. In this...
Commitment, or tenacity as it is sometimes called in this context, is one of the most important components in obtaining success in any subject. Whether pursuing a world title, pursuing a black belt,...
Martial Arts For People With Disabilities: An Ongoing Perspective
Please allow me to introduce myself first. I'm Terry Taylor, a Shotokan karate instructor with a second dan based in Kent's Medway Towns. Coaching and developing martial arts specifically for people...
This component of aikido has received very little attention. However, there is undoubtedly a place for women in the arts. There is no gender separation in most clubs, either in practise or in grading...
The cornerstone of strong personal security is awareness training. When you're out on the street, you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Color codes are one approach of teaching...