Best Martial Arts Styles And Actions In 2022 | Exercise Under COVID-19

There are many distinct styles of martial arts that may be practised. When it comes to choose an art form to study, it might be challenging for some individuals to choose just one among the many available options. We are able to classify the fighting arts into a variety of different types of martial arts in order to make this process a little bit simpler, at the very least to some extent. If you do this, it will be much simpler to determine which one will appeal to you the most, and you can then choose one from among the options that fall into that category.

Aside from this, those who engage in mixed martial arts or individuals who presumably would like to acquire more than just one fighting style will need to master two or more of these talents in order to be successful. The vast majority of people who make the decision to study a single art form often abandon their efforts in the middle of the process since they are unable to locate a method that is suited to their own personalities. Therefore, it is really necessary to get further knowledge about a certain fashion before making a commitment to it. The many types of martial arts are arranged here according to the various techniques they use.

Stand-Up / Striking

The stand-up or striking martial arts styles allow defense of oneself with the use of punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and blocks. The artist will learn the utilization of these moves (or combinations of these) depending on the specific martial art that he/she is trying to master. Most often than not, these styles utilize not only stand-up or styling alone, but in conjunction with the other styles (which will be discussed further below). Included in this style of fighting are:

  • Boxing
  • Karate
  • Capoeira
  • Kickboxing
  • Kung Fu
  • Krav Maga
  • Muay Thai
  • Tang Soo Do
  • Tae Kwon Do

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Ground / Grappling

This style focuses on the art of taking the opponent to the ground. In doing so, the artist will be able to accomplish a dominant position and possibly cause a submission to declare his victory in the fight. Grappling-style martial arts include the following:

  • Jujutsu
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Luta Livre
  • Catch Wrestling
  • Russian Sambo
  • Wrestling
  • Sumo Wrestling

Takedown / Throwing

One of the martial arts styles that require excellent athleticism and upper body strength is this. In martial arts, the best – and sure – way to win a fight is the use of throws and takedowns. The styles listed in the grappling category above all apply the takedown respects. The following are fighting styles that utilize throwing and takedowns (and grappling as a secondary focus):

  • Judo
  • Aikido
  • Shuai Jiao
  • Hapkido


The martial arts styles that make use of weapons usually utilize several of the other fighting styles mentioned here (e.g. Karate uses a wooden sword known as the Bokken). Aside from these, there are martial art forms whose primary focus is the use of weapons over all other considerations. The weapon-based fighting styles include:

  • Kendo
  • Kali
  • Laido

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Meditative / Low Impact

If there would be martial arts styles that make use of spirituality than physical combat, then it would have to be the meditative form. The practice of this style primarily focuses on the spiritual side of the person, using both physical fitness and breathing techniques in fighting. The low impact martial art forms include:

  • Tai Chi
  • Chi Gong (Chi gung, Qigong)
  • Baguazbang

Hybrid Fighting

The martial arts styles that are getting the most hype and popularity (as evidenced by multimedia frenzies) today are those under the hybrid domain. Basically, most fighting styles make use of a technique (or more) based on another fighting style technique. This is highlighted in the recent upsurge with the mixed martial art forms. Mixed martial arts – or MMA – are even taught in the majority of the schools today as a part of the physical education curriculum. Technically, MMA means having different martial arts styles into a single fighting form. However, MMA is also used colloquially to refer to the mixed martial arts known as the modern sport that combines grappling, throws, takedowns, stand-up fighting, and submissions. Before this was sensationalized, the original martial arts that belonged to this category include the following:

  • Shootfighting
  • Jeet Kune Do (JKD)
  • Ninjutsu
  • MMA

The different styles of martial arts will help identify the main techniques that will be utilized in certain forms of fighting, thus giving a clearer picture of what to expect from the practice. This will be beneficial for those who are trying to start learning martial art but are still undecided about which one to pursue.

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